Wednesday, June 8, 2011

keeping cool

Our apartment is above another apartment in this fourplex made of an old, 1929 house. It is beautiful and we love it, and love making it beautiful. We have a problem, however. In the apartment below, there is a pothead who I have asked nicely not to smoke in the house - we share air vents. In Utah it has been raining a lot in the past few weeks - which is really strange, so it's been cool. But NOW, now it is finally hot in Salt Lake, and we want to use our much-needed and covetable air-conditioning.
The switch for the air conditioner lies within the pothead's apartment, and lately, his new thing is to tell me that it's on, and then turn it off so he can smoke and it doesn't come up through the vents. Jared realized this last night, as he had to rig up some sort of air ventilation circuit with our fans... we both smelled the smoke, even without the fan running from downstairs and quickly realized this must have been his plan. Is it time for me to take actions into my own hands? I don't want to be the bad guy - I didn't want to tattle to the landlord....but shouldn't I call him?
Why must we dwell in the skunkweed smelling putrescence of this guy with a long goatee?
In other news, I was thinking of fans when I found this beauty - too bad it's like 150€ just to get it sent here. Too pricey for my pocketbook. but if you want it - go here.


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