Monday, June 13, 2011


I have to make a concession - I am a jealous person. I get jealous of my husband's attention. He gives it to soccer and the internet and homework. I lure him away though. I am jealous of my sister's attention, and my mom's. I am weird about my husband talking to his ex gf. Even though she and he don't have any feelings for one another. I wonder why that is. I wonder why I'm worried and jealous about these people.
I have another concession. I am getting than I usually am. I really don't have any pants that aren't too tight. But I REFUSE to buy new ones that fit better.
It has been really fun to have Janna in town - we didn't do anything cool, just watched harry potter and Bridget Jones' Diary and ate so much food. Made cookie dough, played 2 games of monopoly last night. We are best friends, and I hope it always stays that way.

Also, does anything taste better than strawberries dipped in sugar?


  1. I don't care what people say - i'm making a comment on my own post before anyone else does. ... I had another thought about this - these feelings of jealousy are born out of insecurity and how i feel about what others think of me. I perceive their actions as interpretations of how they feel, even though I know that I, myself, do not always act exactly as I feel. Why is it that our actions must betray our actual sentiments, it breaks my heart....

  2. I have jealous feelings too. I hate architecture almost all of the time, and anything Spencer has to do for school, even though hopefully it will make us money one day. And I am so jealous of his best friend, Jon, even though he is so kind and pleasant to be around, and I am ultra jealous of his ex-girlfriend, Taylor. Partly because her name is Taylor. Partly because she is beautiful. But it is another thing, where when I am not jealous of her or thinking about her in that way, I actually really like her. It is terrible. Spencer is doing so bad at school this term because he feels bad when he goes to school and thinks I will be mad at him. So I end up begging him to go to school or work, or etc. Making his demands for him. Ugh.

