Monday, July 7, 2008

ca. constitutions

I think that it was interesting on sunday how our bishopric at church read the letter stating that we should strive to be as involved as we can to help fight against the bill to change the ca constitution to allow gay marriage. It is really hard for me as I love and respect all people of all beliefs, moral views and walks of life. I however, as a latter-day saint, believe that marriage is a sacred religious ritual, not a formality of law, but a symbol unto god and that matrimony was meant by God to be between a man and a woman.
This is a very troubling and interesting time we live in. I just know that it will get harder and harder to live in harmony and the latter-day saints will continue to be forced to stand alone, in holy places. we will be a strange people, but I believe that God will protect us and that if the country will hold fast to these values that our society will be blessed.
I have a testimony that society changes, but God does not. I know that his laws are eternal and that they bring happiness. I know he has a prophet be his conduit here on earth and they have spoken..... so be it.
I just wonder if it will make a difference.


  1. It's a tough balance, it's true. I understand. I work for the most open-minded small business I've ever seen. We consist of our black female owner, gay male admin assistant, and me, the white female Mormon.

  2. thanks olympus. it is really hard. who are you?

  3. i've thought a lot about this whole gay marriage thing and i agree with what you've said. i respect people with all kinds of beliefs and i myself have friends who are gay. so a part of me says "why not let them get married! i mean, if they are going to live together they might as well get married right?" but another side of me reminds me of the sacredness of marriage. anyway, like you said yourself, as times change we members of the church we'll have to stand alone. but seriously, Jesus Christ was an outcast and a rebel so why cant we?

