Saturday, February 19, 2011

Internet: I LAVA U

I just found this store, poeira and it makes me want to live in portugal again. Lately I have been feeling really sad that I'm forgetting how to speak portuguese a little. I get afraid when I find a native speaker, I get tongue tied... never happened when I was a missionary. I told Jared that he HAS to get me the rosetta stone for Portuguese and for Spanish, so I can really make myself learn again how to distinguish the two foreign languages I know the very best. Then maybe French after that. I think that my hobby in the next year might just be learning languages. I have been feeling a great urgency for it.
So much has happened in the past 2 weeks that last night Jared and I had to list them all out.
Here are some of the highlights:
Jared tutored his best friend in Economics
I applied for 20 or so jobs online one saturday
Jared and I had my brother Chris stay on an air matress in our house for 4 days. SO FUN.
2 days after applying for jobs, I got 4 calls for interviews. I had 2nd interviews at 3 - 3 offers for employment (feels good after last year...)
Jared studied every day. Took two midterms.
My dad came into town and we all painted the inside of the whole minigolf course at Trafalga in Lehi with blacklight paint.
Untitled from Meg Gallagher on Vimeo.
I got a new job at General Electric Healthcare. my salary went up by 60%.
We decided to move to Salt Lake, and sell my car.
Jared had a soccer game. 
We made dinner for 10 people. And had them over to our apartment - it was no small task to fit them all.
We ate at Red Iguana 2x. Yum.
We went to Rachel Van Wagoner's amazing MFA show.
My computer broke, and got fixed for FREE - thank you apple store.

There were lots of other little things, but it's been a little nuts, to say the least. Life is fun/crazy/intense.


  1. i work and live up in slc...that would be soo cool if we lived near each other!!!! i'll be moving near 39th and 2nd east....

