Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Musings on various health related topics

I really need to get some of these thoughts out there, I don't think a lot of people know about a lot of Health-Related topics, and I have had a spiritual healing in treating my body right over the past 1-2 years.
Now, I'm not perfect, so I can't say that I am the best example of temperance in my health and wellness. What I can say is that I am always looking for something new. The last couple weeks have found me a little down. Down in my emotions, down on myself, down on my situation, even tired.

Today I decided to try out the Fish Oil Pills I bought on sale a while back, Omega Fatty Oils have been known to help people with a healthy heart, and maybe to improve concentration/mood. Although health specialists debate the validity of that claim, I feel significantly lifted today. A lot happier. We shall see.

I would like to say a word about my Crohn's Disease Research. My mom found this book: it's amazing. It has recipes, food lists and ideas for Crohn's, Collitis and IBS. I am really excited to finish reading it. So far, avoiding the foods she says to avoid has actually improved my condition. I do not have to see my doctor for four more months!!

Here's the book:
I love it. You can order it here

I hope everything continues to become clearer to me. It is hard to feed a family when foods surrounding us are actually really unhealthy for our bodies.
