Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Musings on various health related topics

I really need to get some of these thoughts out there, I don't think a lot of people know about a lot of Health-Related topics, and I have had a spiritual healing in treating my body right over the past 1-2 years.
Now, I'm not perfect, so I can't say that I am the best example of temperance in my health and wellness. What I can say is that I am always looking for something new. The last couple weeks have found me a little down. Down in my emotions, down on myself, down on my situation, even tired.

Today I decided to try out the Fish Oil Pills I bought on sale a while back, Omega Fatty Oils have been known to help people with a healthy heart, and maybe to improve concentration/mood. Although health specialists debate the validity of that claim, I feel significantly lifted today. A lot happier. We shall see.

I would like to say a word about my Crohn's Disease Research. My mom found this book: it's amazing. It has recipes, food lists and ideas for Crohn's, Collitis and IBS. I am really excited to finish reading it. So far, avoiding the foods she says to avoid has actually improved my condition. I do not have to see my doctor for four more months!!

Here's the book:
I love it. You can order it here

I hope everything continues to become clearer to me. It is hard to feed a family when foods surrounding us are actually really unhealthy for our bodies.


  1. thanks so much for the recommendation! I will look into it!


  2. so something that i've been doing lately is trying to get my daily dose of vitamin d. in recent studies, vitamin d has been linked to mental wellness. take a supplement or get your 15 minutes of sun a day. i do both. idk if this is exactly what you were looking for, but it has definitely improved my mood. but as far as chron's goes idk...try beto's?

  3. alex, definitely not BETOS. but good idea about vitamin D

